Author: Patty Souza

Patty Souza! Education enthusiast and career-driven professional. With a degree in accounting, I'm using my expertise to help companies reach their financial goals. I'm also passionate about sharing knowledge and helping others reach their educational goals. Join me on my journey and get advice on pursuing your own education and career!

You can still manage your Facebook Pages and Ad accounts for your brand using your personal account. Sharing logins can lead to privacy and security concerns. Manually adding and assigning roles on a Facebook page can be time-consuming. It is crucial that both agencies and businesses use the Facebook Business Manager to securely manage their Facebook Pages, ad accounts and other information in one place. You’re in luck if you’re still not using the Facebook Business manager because it seems intimidating or confusing. This article will provide a detailed guide to the Facebook Business Manager, and how it can help your business. Let’s…

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